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How Does One Get to Own a Mountain?!
Ongoing collaboration with Philipp Sattler

Annenstrasse 53,

Between 2020-2023 I was a member of the collective Das Gesellschaftliche Ding. Kunst, Architektur und Öffentlichkeit, an independent, non-profit organisation. Its focus was on developing exhibition concepts, artistic, architectural and discursive work and establishing an exhibiting space, Annenstrasse 53,. The association made its activities explicitly open to the public and sees this as an important contribution to a lively and diverse cultural landscape in Graz and beyond.


A lecture performance (burn, on fire, alight, inflamed, glow, ablaze, fervent, go up in smoke) and installation by Olia Sosnovskaya at Annenstrasse 53,

outdoors, gunpowder burns quietly

Sequence II

Organised by Rose-Anne Gush and Anastasiia Kutsova

Mythopoesis for Techno-Living Systems

Between 2021-2024 I was part of the research team of the FWF funded project, MTLS led by Ursula Mayer. Mythopoesis for Techno-Living Systems (MTLS) is an arts-based research project funded by FWF (Austrian Science Fund)*, in partnership with the Institute of Art Theory and Cultural Studies at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.


Website: Mythopoesis for Techno-Living Systems

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